Q & A Our readers are invited to email us with their questions! Q: Does TMJ go away on it's own? (Steve J.) A: Hello Steve! TMJ can go away on its own, but is usually indicative of a more serious underlying issue. Therefore chances are that even if it goes away it will come back and be worse. Some of those issues are stress, snoring and OSA. Hope this helps! -------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there an at home evaluation I can do for myself to know if I have sleep apnea? (Jazmin Y.) A: Hi Jazmin! If you snore, there is an almost 50% chance that you have sleep apnea. If you snore, and are overweight that rises to 75%. If you snore, are overweight and have high blood pressure or diabetes the chance is over 90%. The impact of OSA is so significant that if you snore, it makes sense to get a sleep test. We recommend a home sleep test as the ones today are very effective and much more comfortable and accurate than ever before. |